Thank You Letter Examples

   Retirement Thank You from Woman

All the old stories about retirement talk about fat old men receiving their gold watches on the way out the door. That never really interested me; I'm not a fan of gold, and I already own a watch.

That's why your gift for my retirement was one of the best I received. I didn't realize people would be rewarding me for being old enough to retire, but I'm definitely not complaining about the gifts. And I especially loved how thoughtful your gift was. You know that I'll be using all my free time to read books on my deck, and you knew I've been needing a new patio umbrella for some time now. It was so kind of you to remember all of that, and to pick out such a lovely umbrella, too!

I hope I can convince you to come over and join me in the shade, and maybe have a drink or two. I believe retirement is going to suit me just fine. Thank you again.

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Index of Thank You Letter Examples